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ChainGE Lab is a five-year interdisciplinary research project led by Prof. Hila Shamir (Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law) and funded by the European Research Commission (ERC).

Labour law gradually protects fewer of the world’s workers.

This is because changes in work, technology, and production methods ("supply chain capitalism") have created a gap between what labor laws were designed for and how businesses actually operate now. This gap hinders workers' ability to organize and exercise agency. Historically developed in industrial economies to address power disparities between capital and labour, labour law is rooted in a dyadic employer-employee paradigm in which it seeks to empower workers vis-à-vis employers, the presumed owners of capital. However, in today's "supply chain capitalism," employers are often suppliers in global networks, dependent on larger corporations. To address these challenges, this project aims to collaborate with actors on the ground in order to reimagine and restructure labour law to fit the new patterns of supply chain capitalism.

Research Structure and Methodology

​Workers and their representatives work tirelessly to strengthen worker power in lower-tier GVCs but often lack the legal scaffolding to sustain and scale these efforts. Our research builds on these experiences to identify what works and how legal frameworks can support and amplify such initiatives.


Collaborating with unions, workers' organizations, policymakers, and other stakeholders, we employ interdisciplinary qualitative-comparative research to establish the theoretical and normative foundation for new legal structures that enable workers' organizing, voice, and power in supply chain capitalism.

photo of a warehouse

The Five Pillars

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  • International labour unions and transnational labour coalitions
    In order to to create transnational solidarity and guarantee workplace democracy along value chains the role, structures and modes of operation of international and local labour unions requires adaptations.
  • Tools of effective enforcement
    The strike, a classic tool of collective action enforcement, may lose relevance in a supply chain context where lead firms can swiftly shift production to alternative suppliers, undermining workers’ leverage. The multi-stakeholder political economy of GVCs therefore necessitates reimagined, legally protected collective action tools. Additional relevant mechanisms, beyond traditional labour law, may include tools external to labour law such as trade instruments and anti-trust mechanisms.
  • The jurisdictional challenge
    In order to ensure the stability and enforceability of new legal structures, there is a need for an agreed-upon or legally authorized legal forum to arbitrate or adjudicate disputes and to enforce binding determinations.
  • Bargaining unit determination
    Who should be the parties to a GVC collective agreement negotiation? And who should it apply to? There is a need to reconceptualize include all relevant stakeholders (lead firm, suppliers) and workers, as well as other possible stakeholders (e.g. consumers, state actors) in a new model of multilateral collective bargaining.
  • The collective agreement
    A need to re-conceptualize lead firm commitments to suppliers and workers in their supply chains as binding and non-voluntary ones, which will require re-imagining the collective agreement and adapting it to a multi-actor and multiscalar landscape of GVCs.

The research project is built on a five-pronged analytical framework addressing fundamental challenges supply chain capitalism presents to current labour law and labour institutions. We seek to reimagine:

Three women walking in nature carrying bags of produce on their heads

The Collaboratory - Our Research Network

An international, interdisciplinary academic community of scholars and activists dedicated to advancing workers' rights in Global Value Chains

The collaboratory creates a space for an ongoing interdisciplinary conversation among scholars—academics and activists—at various stages of their careers researching issues related to workers' rights in global supply chains. We meet monthly online to foster collaboration, networking, access to resources and a supportive, rigorous community of learning and action.

Workers’ Rights Legal Clinic at Tel Aviv University

The project includes a legal 'laboratory' dedicated to studying new labour law and institutions for supply chain capitalism, in collaboration with the TAU Law Workers’ Rights Clinic, led by Adv. Michal Tadjer.  The clinic develops litigation and organizing strategies to support workers’ rights in subcontracted and multi-tiered employment arrangements. Its legal activities provide experiential and empirical data to inform and address the project’s research questions.

The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University logo
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Workers in a factory

Join our research team

We accept applications to join the collaboratory and the lab’s core group of researchers on a rolling basis and will post more specific calls for researchers here when available. If you are interested in joining us, please email:

ChainGE Lab logo

This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) (the ‘granting authority’). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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©2025 ChainGE Lab (ERC). Website by Awaken.

ChainGE Lab is supported by Horizon ERC grant ERC-2022- COG (New Labour Law, Project Number 101088188)

​Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University
Duration: Sept. 2024- Sept. 2029

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